Woman’s Elaborately Painted Bathroom Looks Like the Cutest Wallpaper – DenGarden - Enjoy Life

Woman’s Elaborately Painted Bathroom Looks Like the Cutest Wallpaper – DenGarden

Putting up some wallpaper isn’t all that it is cracked up to be – at least not unless you find some really awesome peel-off wallpaper that works perfectly for you! But for the most part, wallpaper can be hard to remove, and many homeowners prefer painting their wall, even if it offers more detail than […]

Putting up some wallpaper isn’t all that it is cracked up to be – at least not unless you find some really awesome peel-off wallpaper that works perfectly for you! But for the most part, wallpaper can be hard to remove, and many homeowners prefer painting their wall, even if it offers more detail than just slapping some paint up.
And yet one homeowner decided to take painting her walls to a whole new level, with an attention to detail that we can only admire!
Lindsey Spears, self-proclaimed ‘Painting Mama’ on Tiktok, has gone above and beyond when it comes to painting the walls of her bathroom. Her ability to freehand art onto her walls is enough to have our jaws dropping, and we love the combo of colors and shapes and the sheer creativity of everything involved here!
After about two hours spent painting, Lindsey has a bathroom with some gorgeous looking mural-like walls in a semi retro flower theme. A huge amount of details adds to the overall look, including dots and dashes, lines and abstract flowers, as well as the larger color blocking that makes everything else pop. There seems to be hundreds of little aspects that the eye can follow, and no matter how long you spend in this room you will likely always find something new.
And it isn’t just one accent wall! Lindsey had the patience and creativity to do every wall in her bathroom, and to be honest, we’d probably have stopped after just one! Commenters are gushing over the look, many proclaiming their envy over how easy she made it look (thanks to lots of practice on her part), or even wishing they could get her to come out and do the same look to their own walls! 

